When we make assumptions in our lives, we tend to miss very important information. For instance, imagine how many THE-THE's and A-A's we have in everyday interactions. Think about the times in an argument where you could not even hear what the other person was really saying because you held them in their past, or should we say, your version of their past.
We do this in our lives a lot. We think we know, not realizing that we are seeing EVERYTHING through filters generated from our past experiences. Many of these filters are ingrained, and sometimes very righteous, limiting beliefs about people, places, and things.
In today's fast-paced and information-loaded world, we tend to have knee-jerk reactions by falling into automatic behaviors or patterns. It's similar to a car going on cruise control.
We forget to actually
STOP (take a moment before we react or interpret)
LOOK (bring awareness to what is in front of us)
CHOOSE (make a powerful choice how to respond)
TAKE ACTION (respond)
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is present when you RESPOND to life's ups and downs, rather than REACT.
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