Gratitude is the foundation of Abundance. When we are grateful for everything, we accept what we have...opening up a space to bring forth what we want.
~ Jo Englesson

Gratitude is the highest state of consciousness. Gratitude brings us to the present moment, and it creates an egoless space. It is the foundation of all abundance.
It is a state in which we have an understanding that everything is as it should be. When we can accept that and at the same time stand in gratitude for it, we begin to manifest peace and love.
We are a movement created out of a declaration that everyone awakens to who they authentically are and, as a result, becomes an expression of peace in the world.
We are living in exciting times where we, as individuals and as a collective, have an opportunity to create lasting change, simply by stepping into a new type of leadership.
When we all awaken to the notion of being Source; the generators; the creators, we regain the power to make a profound impact on the planet now.
We have everything it takes to transform our own lives and as a result, the world. Everything we do matters...we all matter.
Life continuously brings us new challenges. Those challenges demand that we reinvent and redesign ourselves in order to succeed. We provide a space where you can create memorable and personal experiences that enhance wellbeing and improve different areas of your life.
Awaken the Planet, maximize Joy, actualize Peace.
Inspire, create and transform leaders to evolve into their natural change maker essence.

Jo Englesson
The founder and the creative force behind Gratitude and TOFA
(Token of Appreciation). She is a light in this world, and her charisma and loving heart is a catalyst for change and the context for a transformed world now.
Jo’s title on her business card is “Creative Peacemaker.” She explains that there are many creative ways to reach peace on the planet. When we all get that we have the power to make that difference individually and we authentically take that on, there will be a paradigm shift in the mass consciousness, and peace will be inevitable.
I realized there was was actually
a recipe for living in joy, and the base
ingredient was gratitude!

In 2007, Jo embarked on her journey of Gratitude when she “bumped” into an older gentleman in a Florida airport. In that improbable instant, Jo’s life direction and purpose changed forever.
She invented the TOFA token, a token of appreciation that is given to someone who makes a difference in your day. The tokens are uniquely numbered and can be tracked online as they are paid forward. Today, there are more than 30,000 tokens in circulation.
Tracking Website is currently being re-designed. Coming Soon!

Gratitude's courses completely changed my life and turned everything around. I was finally able to see my worth and step into my power and full potential. I was able to forgive and rekindle relationships that had fallen off the wagon. I was able to step into new leadership positions and live the life I have always thought was impossible. This training woke me up and I feel like I got a second chance at life!
Saskia St Lot
Miami, Florida